Cambridge Publication Guidelines
Since 2001 |
Submission Guidelines The Library of Congress, Washington, DC * ISSN: 1540–7780 * ISSN 1553-5827 Peer-reviewed Scholarly Journals * Indexed Journals * Refereed journals |
Cambridge Research Science Institute |
LATEST NEWS: One of our board members, Dr. Aysegul Timur, has just became the president of Florida Gulf Coast University. The Florida Board of Governors has confirmed Aysegul Timur as Florida Gulf Coast University’s fifth president. Professor Timur served as vice president and vice provost for strategy and program innovation at the university. (Read more..) |
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Submission Guidelines Electronic submissions are preferred. Submissions may be made electronically via e-mails as stated below.
After your submission, if you do not get any confirmation in the next three days, please send an e-mail to jaabc1@aol.com. 1. Please use MS Word only. 2. The paper should be 9 pages including appendices, references, figures and tables. 3. The paper must be singled-spaced, printed at 10 points with 1-inch margins in any Times font. Page numbers should begin with 1. 4. In general, the paper must be the way you want it to look in the publication. Hence tables must be placed where you want them to appear. 5. Papers are to be prepared in English and totally edited to avoid grammatical and typographical errors. Papers must be written in a clear concise manner for ease of reading and interpretation. It should include Keywords after abstract section. 6. No Manuscript will be accepted without the required format. The International manuscripts should be professionally proofread/edited before submission. In this case, you can use www.editavenue.com for professional proofreading/editing or other native professional editing service etc... 7. Preferably, the manuscripts should be checked through plagiarism detection software (for example, iThenticate / Turnitin / Academic Paradigms, LLC-Check for Plagiarism / Grammarly Plagiarism Checker) and send the certificate with the complete report. Articles, papers or cases submitted for publication should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. 8. All authors should submit his/her institution's mailing address, phone, fax number and a copy of the resume (CV) Manuscript Format Page number should begin with the number 1 and be centered at the bottom of the page in a Times font at 10 points. The manuscript must be single-spaced with 1 inch margins on all four sides and nine pages in length. The entire paper must be in Times New Roman font at 10 points with the exception of the title, which must be an 16 point and bold. The paper should begin with title, author's information (10 point font and lower case), and the word "abstract" (10 point font, bold and capitalized) each of which must be centered. The balance of the paper should be fully justified. As for line spacing, it should be title on the first line or lines and then author's information with one line per author and no blank lines between the title and author's information. The author's information line should contain first name, last name and institutional affiliation. Leave two blank lines between author's information and the word abstract. Leave one blank line between the word abstract and the abstract itself. Leave two blank lines between the abstract and the body of the manuscript. There must be a blank line between paragraphs with the first line each paragraph indented (0.5 inches). Please do not use columns. Please state the headers and footers before the Reference section and number them manually. References need to be consistent and in a generally accepted format. Every sub-heading should be bold and capitalized. The manuscript should be in one file entirely in Microsoft Word. No other software may be used. Each submission should include the paper's title and the name, address and telephone number of the contact person for the paper. However, papers submitted earlier will be reviewed immediately and participants will be notified as soon as possible. Sample Page (Read more…) Articles, papers or cases submitted for publication should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Authors submitting articles/papers/cases for publication warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright, infringement of proprietary right, invasion of privacy, or libel and will indemnify, defend, and hold the journals, AABJ, BRJ, or conferences or sponsor(s) harmless from any damages, expenses, and costs against any breach of such warranty. For ease of dissemination and to ensure proper policing of use, papers/articles/cases and contributions become the legal copyright of the journals and conferences. There will be no refunds after payments.. The journals and the conferences reserves the right to alter any policy without prior notice. |
All submissions are subject to a double blind peer review process. The Journals are published in hard copy format. All the journals are refereed academic journals those publish the scientific research findings in their field with the ISSN numbers issued by the Library of Congress, Washington, DC. (ISSN 1540–7780 * ISSN 1553-5827) The journals aim to publish high-quality papers that represent the true breadth of the methodologies and applications that define our field. The journals serve the entire Operations Research community including practitioners, researchers, educators, and students. The manuscripts those appear in the journals must satisfy three essential requirements: operations-focused, scientific, and broad. No Manuscript Will Be Accepted Without the Required Format. The international manuscripts should be professionally proofread/edited before the submission. After the manuscript is edited, the revised paper should be submitted with the certificate. You can use www.editavenue.com for professional proofreading/editing or other professional editing service etc... The manuscripts should be checked through plagiarism detection software (for example, iThenticate / Turnitin / Academic Paradigms, LLC-Check for Plagiarism / Grammarly Plagiarism Checker) and send the certificate with the complete report. Articles, papers or cases submitted for publication should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Authors submitting articles/papers/cases for publication warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright, infringement of proprietary right, invasion of privacy, or libel and will indemnify, defend, and hold AABJ and BRJ or any conferences we hold or sponsor (s) harmless from any damages, expenses, and costs against any breach of such warranty. Our mission is to provide a quality research publication venue for academic authors from academic institutions of all research-levels. The journals will meet the quality and integrity requirements of applicable accreditation agencies (AACSB, regional) and journal evaluation organizations to insure our publications provide our authors publication venues that are recognized by their institutions for academic advancement and academically qualified statue. The average acceptance rate is twelve percent. The journal is distributed in more than fifty-five countries around the world. The hard copies and the digital copies of the journals are archived by Cambridge Research Institute. We are a member of Association of American Publishers (AAP), Professional/Scholarly Publishing, New York and Chamber of Commerce of Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California. All the journals are indexed by the Cambridge Social Science Citation Index, CSSCI, the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), and the National Library of Australia. The OCLC has 16,964 member libraries in 122 countries around the world. The OCLC number for the journals: 805078765 for AABJ; . 920449522 for BRJ. The NLA numbers for the journals; NLA: 42709473for AABJ * NLA: 55269788 for BRJ. |
The Business Review Journal (Read more...) The Library of Congress, Washington, DC * ISSN 1553-5827 WorldCat, the world's largest library catalog Online Computer Library Center * OCLC: 920449522 National Library of Australia * NLA: 55269788 The Cambridge Social Science Citation Index, CSSCI, Peer-reviewed Scholarly Journal Refereed Academic Journal Citations / h-index / i10-index Indexed Journal |
The American Academy of Business Journal (Read more...) The Library of Congress, Washington, DC * ISSN: 1540–7780 WorldCat, the world's largest library catalog Online Computer Library Center * OCLC: 805078765 National Library of Australia * NLA: 42709473 The Cambridge Social Science Citation Index, CSSCI, Peer-reviewed Scholarly Journal Refereed Academic Journal Citations / h-index / i10-index Indexed Journal |
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